Active Voice vs Passive Voice dalam bahasa Inggris, Kenali Bedanya!
Pelajari perbedaan antara Active vs Passive Voice dan cara menggunakannya dengan mudah dalam berbagai tenses. Tingkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu!
Artinya mirip, tapia pa bedanya? Jadi kalimat pertama adalah active voice, sementara kalimat kedua passive voice ya. Kita pelajari di artikel ini yuk!
Hai, Englishnesian!
Udah pernah mendengar tentang "Active vs Passive Voice? Kita bakal bahas dua jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu, kalimat aktif dan pasif. Mungkin kedengarannya rumit, tapi sebenarnya gampang banget.
Kalimat aktif fokus pada siapa yang melakukan aksi, sedangkan kalimat pasif lebih menyoroti aksi itu sendiri atau objek yang kena aksi. Tapi tidak mungkin Cuma segini saja, dong?
Misalnya saja, dalam Bahasa Indonesia :
Aku sedang menyapu lantai. Lantai sedang disapu olehku.
Nah, disini mengerti bedanya? Tidak usah bingung ya, dibawah akan kita jelaskan lebih detail lagi. Tentunya berikut dengan cara dan contohnya. Yuk, kita lihat cara kerjanya dan kapan harus pakai masing-masing. Siap-siap jadi lebih paham dan lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, ya!
Dalam bahasa Inggris, struktur kalimat bisa menggunakan dua jenis suara: aktif dan pasif. Kedua jenis ini mempengaruhi bagaimana informasi disampaikan dalam kalimat. Mari kita lihat lebih dalam tentang keduanya.
Active Voice adalah jenis kalimat di mana subjek melakukan aksi atau tindakan. Dalam kalimat aktif, subjek berada di posisi utama dan melakukan sesuatu kepada objek. Kalimat ini langsung dan jelas, membuat siapa yang melakukan aksi menjadi fokus utama.
Contoh Kalimat Aktif:
"The teacher explains the lesson." (Guru menjelaskan pelajaran.)
Subjek: The teacher (Guru) Tindakan: explains (menjelaskan) Objek: the lesson (pelajaran)
Dalam kalimat ini, subjek "The teacher" adalah pelaku utama yang melakukan aksi "explains" terhadap objek "the lesson."
Passive Voice adalah jenis kalimat di mana fokus utama adalah pada objek yang menerima aksi, bukan pada siapa yang melakukan aksi. Dalam kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat aktif menjadi subjek, dan pelaku tindakan bisa disebutkan atau tidak. Struktur kalimat ini sering digunakan ketika pelaku tidak penting atau tidak diketahui.
Contoh Kalimat Pasif:
"The lesson is explained by the teacher." (Pelajaran dijelaskan oleh guru.)
Subjek: The lesson (Pelajaran) Tindakan: is explained (dijelaskan) Pelaku Tindakan: by the teacher (oleh guru)
Di sini, "The lesson" menjadi subjek dan fokus kalimat, sementara pelaku "the teacher" disebutkan di bagian akhir kalimat dengan "by."
Active Voice: "The chef prepares the meal." (Koki menyiapkan makan malam.) Fokus pada "The chef" yang melakukan tindakan "prepares."
Passive Voice: "The meal is prepared by the chef." (Makan malam disiapkan oleh koki.) Fokus pada "The meal" yang menerima tindakan "is prepared."
Active Voice lebih sering digunakan dalam tulisan sehari-hari, laporan, dan percakapan karena lebih jelas dan langsung. Passive Voice digunakan dalam situasi di mana fokusnya adalah pada hasil tindakan atau objek, seperti dalam laporan ilmiah, berita, atau ketika pelaku tidak diketahui.
1. Subjek Melakukan Aksi Dalam kalimat aktif, subjek adalah pelaku utama yang melakukan aksi.
Contoh: "The cat chased the mouse."
Subjek: The cat (Kucing) Tindakan: chased (mengejar) Objek: the mouse (mouse)
2. Struktur Kalimat Struktur kalimat biasanya mengikuti pola:
Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek.
Contoh: "She reads the book."
Subjek: She (Dia) Kata Kerja: reads (membaca) Objek: the book (buku)
3. Fokus pada Pelaku Fokus utama adalah pada siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
Contoh: "The chef cooked a delicious meal."
Fokus: The chef (Koki) yang memasak.
1. Objek Menjadi Subjek Dalam kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat aktif menjadi subjek yang menerima aksi.
Contoh: "The book was read by her."
Subjek Baru: The book (Buku) Tindakan: was read (dibaca) Pelaku: by her (oleh dia)
2. Struktur Kalimat Struktur kalimat biasanya mengikuti pola:
Subjek + Bentuk to be + Kata Kerja Bentuk Past Participle + (Oleh Pelaku).
Contoh: "The letter is written by John."
Subjek: The letter (Surat) Bentuk to be: is Kata Kerja Bentuk Past Participle: written (ditulis) Pelaku: by John (oleh John)
3. Fokus pada Aksi atau Objek Fokus utama adalah pada tindakan yang terjadi atau objek yang terkena tindakan, bukan pada siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
Contoh: "A delicious meal was cooked by the chef."
Fokus: The meal (Makan malam) yang dimasak.
- Active Voice: Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek. Fokus pada pelaku aksi.
- Passive Voice: Subjek + Bentuk to be + Kata Kerja Bentuk Past Participle + (Oleh Pelaku). Fokus pada objek atau hasil tindakan.
- Simple Present: Subject + Verb(s) + Object
- Present Continuous: Subject + is/am/are + Verb-ing + Object
- Simple Past: Subject + Verb-ed + Object
- Past Continuous: Subject + was/were + Verb-ing + Object
- Present Perfect: Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Object
- Present Perfect Continuous: Subject + has/have been + Verb-ing + Object
- Past Perfect: Subject + had + Verb3 + Object
- Past Perfect Continuous: Subject + had been + Verb-ing + Object
- Simple Future: Subject + will + Verb + Object
- Future Continuous: Subject + will be + Verb-ing + Object
- Future Perfect: Subject + will have + Verb3 + Object
- Future Perfect Continuous: Subject + will have been + Verb-ing + Object
- Simple Past Future: Subject + would + Verb + Object
- Past Future Continuous: Subject + would be + Verb-ing + Object
- Past Future Perfect: Subject + would have + Verb3 + Object
- Past Future Perfect Continuous: Subject + would have been + Verb-ing + Object
- Simple Present: Object + is/am/are + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Present Continuous: Object + is/am/are being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Simple Past: Object + was/were + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Continuous: Object + was/were being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Present Perfect: Object + has/have been + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Present Perfect Continuous: Object + has/have been being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Perfect: Object + had been + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Perfect Continuous: Object + had been being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Simple Future: Object + will be + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Future Continuous: Object + will be being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Future Perfect: Object + will have been + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Future Perfect Continuous: Object + will have been being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Simple Past Future: Object + would be + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Future Continuous: Object + would be being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Future Perfect: Object + would have been + Verb3 + (by Subject)
- Past Future Perfect Continuous: Object + would have been being + Verb3 + (by Subject)
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "She writes a letter." a) A letter is written by her. b) A letter was written by her. c) A letter will be written by her. d) A letter is being written by her.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "They are painting the house." a) The house is painted by them. b) The house has been painted by them. c) The house was painted by them. d) The house is being painted by them.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "She had finished the report." a) The report had been finished by her. b) The report was finished by her. c) The report has been finished by her. d) The report is finished by her.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "He will be making dinner." a) Dinner will be made by him. b) Dinner is made by him. c) Dinner will be being made by him. d) Dinner was made by him.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "She will have completed the project." a) The project will be completed by her. b) The project will have been completed by her. c) The project is completed by her. d) The project had been completed by her.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "They were repairing the car." a) The car was repaired by them. b) The car is being repaired by them. c) The car has been repaired by them. d) The car was being repaired by them.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "She has been teaching English." a) English has been taught by her. b) English is taught by her. c) English had been taught by her. d) English will be taught by her.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "They would finish the work." a) The work would be finished by them. b) The work would have been finished by them. c) The work is finished by them. d) The work was finished by them.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "She had been writing letters." a) Letters had been written by her. b) Letters were being written by her. c) Letters had been being written by her. d) Letters have been written by her.
Change the following sentence to Passive Voice: "They will have been discussing the plan." a) The plan will have been discussed by them. b) The plan has been discussed by them. c) The plan will be discussed by them. d) The plan was discussed by them.
Kunci Jawaban
- a) A letter is written by her.
- d) The house is being painted by them.
- a) The report had been finished by her.
- a) Dinner will be made by him.
- b) The project will have been completed by her.
- d) The car was being repaired by them.
- a) English has been taught by her.
- a) The work would be finished by them.
- c) Letters had been being written by her.
- a) The plan will have been discussed by them.
Sekarang kamu sudah ngerti perbedaan antara kalimat aktif dan pasif, kan? Memahami kapan memakai active dan passive voice membuat Bahasa inggrismu lebih baik. Coba terus latihan ubah kalimat dari aktif ke pasif supaya makin lancar.
Selamat belajar dan have fun, Englishnesian!